Check Out These Wonder Tips About Cats

Black and white cat jumping
Tips about cats

Although independent, cats still require plenty of care from their owners. Grooming a cat is not the same as grooming other pets, like dogs. You must take additional care to ensure they remain clean and well groomed. Keep reading for some useful cat grooming tips.

If you own a female cat, you should have her spayed when she is old enough. Even if you own an indoor cat, it might produce many kittens if it escapes during mating season. A spayed cat is a safe cat. Consider a cat fence from the dog fence people.

Prevent your cat from getting zapped by coating exposed wires with bitter apple. If the cat likes to chew on cords, its best to cover them as best you can. An inexpensive way to hide electrical cords is to thread them through used paper towel rolls. Store electronics when they are not in use rather than leaving them plugged in.

Scratching Post

Some cats like to scratch up floors and furniture. If you want to prevent or stop your cat from scratching up your furniture, the best thing to do is buy a scratching post or kitty tower for them to climb in. When your cat scratches inappropriately, redirect him to the scratching post. It may take some time, but it should eventually work.

It can be tough to keep cats off the countertops. Cats love being up high so that they can see. Provide your cat with a few high places it can uses. For example, give them a cat tower nearby.

Make sure your cat gets lots of love. A cat’s companionship should be returned with the same. Cats thrive when treated like part of the household, so involve them in daily activities around the house. This will increase the love that surrounds the family.

A tablecloth for the feeding area can be quite useful. Cats sometimes like to eat food outside of their bowl. Sometimes this will make the area around the bowl messy, and you’ll have to clean it. You can also use any type of mat underneath your cat’s eating apparatus to reduce the mess.

High areas are ideal for cats. Providing a safe environment for your cat is key to its happiness. If you don’t wish to have a big cat tree inside your house, try a sturdy shelf made of breakables. Install a small bed for your cat or a comfortable blanket.

Litter Box

Don’t teach the basics of using a litter box. This should come naturally for your cat. You cannot teach it to do this. Many people think rubbing a cat’s paws in litter will teach them to use the litter box, but it might actually traumatize them.

Train your cat to tolerate a pet carrier. The same response to punishment that you would expect from a dog does not apply to a cat. They prefer encouragement instead. Inside the carrier, put a favorite toy and blanket. Leave it open in an area the cat will see. Eventually, the cat will go into the carrier naturally and feel comfortable. Once the cat is in the carrier, they will be so much easier to transport.

Don’t toss an older scratching post just because it looks worn. The cats loves it the most in this condition. Removing the post could cause your cat to look for something else scratch, possibly damaging your furniture.

It is important that your cat always where a collar that identifies them. This is necessary even for an indoors pet. A naturally curious cat will readily wander out an open door or window. The tag should have your name and address and also your vet’s. This will be important especially if you have a cat with medical issues.

Once your cat has had the best grooming possible, it can look good. Do whatever you can to make sure your cat is happy. Cat’s generally appreciate the extra attention that grooming provides. Use all of the wonder tips in this article for a happier cat.